Misintutition Style – Dreamer

Let’s proceed with isolated criteria of intuition that causes misintuition. Our hero is Dreamer. Imagination is highly developed, and taking into account that cases when person has developed imagination but can’t use own experience, are quite rare, it looks more as a conscious or a subconscious decision to avoid thoughts about past mistakes and to avoid… Continue reading Misintutition Style – Dreamer

Intuition Basis

There are three common known intuition constituents: Productive experience Imagination Empathy. The combination of these 3 elements allows to grow the intuition knowledge. The simplest thing in theory. Let’s make a brief overview of the intuition components. It is vitally important to gather the productive experience – the first basis of the intuition. To understand what… Continue reading Intuition Basis

Intuition Value

It’s as hard to underestimate the intuition value as to find its definition. Lets agree that the intuition gives a way to avoid issues and find the best sometimes non-obvious solution. That intuition feature actually determines the value as well.  


Our purpose is to find the value of the intuition for the management, its background and the approaches of the intuition management.