Misintutition Style – Experiencer

There are 3 obligatory basis, needed to develop the intuition. There can be no intuit witout:

  • Productive experience,
  • Developed imagination,
  • Empathy.

Let’s make it easier and talk about cases, when only one of three ingredients are present. Our first hero is Experiencer.

First basis of the intuition allows to identify the present situation and to compare it with similar situations in the past from own experience to choose the correct approach of behavior. Productive experience allows to learn from own mistakes. It allows to evaluate own decisions straights and weaknesses. There is no intuition without continues monitoring and learning. Experiencer is the person, who can learn from own mistakes, any other experience doesn’t mean much for him. He thinks that it is impossible to know how to bring up children if you don’t have own ones. The experience matters.

Do you know such people? Obviously, yes, there are a lot of them, it is the first step to intuition.

Strengths. Such people are reliable. It is hard to make a mistake if you use the positive experience only.

Weaknesses. Experiencers don’t really understand the uncertainty features. In most of the situations there is no uncertainty for them. The world is black and white. There are cases which you had in the past, so you can handle the same ones. If you didn’t have some particular experience – we need to find a person, who has such experience, to receive a peace of advice or better make him solve it. Such approach surely allows to achieve safe predictable results if we don’t take survivorship bias into account this time.

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