Intuition Basis

There are three common known intuition constituents:

  • Productive experience
  • Imagination
  • Empathy.

The combination of these 3 elements allows to grow the intuition knowledge. The simplest thing in theory. Let’s make a brief overview of the intuition components.

It is vitally important to gather the productive experience – the first basis of the intuition. To understand what is going on we have to use own experience, to learn using own mistakes, to evaluate own decisions straights and weaknesses. There is no intuition without continues monitoring, learning and adapting.

Imagination allows us to create solutions prototype. There much less point in trying achieving something in real world while a successful prototype is not figured out yet.

Empathy makes us understand what other people feel and why they feel so. It helps to predict possible flows of the solution process, estimate impacts probabilities and use this knowledge in the solution prototype creation.

Sounds quite simple but a thoughtful reader may feel doubts about the discussion subject. Are we still talking about the intuition? Solution prototypes and empathy features seems to be more related to the speculations process not to intuition – a pure knowledge that doesn’t assume any hesitations, right?

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